Monday, November 2, 2009

Fall 2009

Happy Halloween
Sometimes they really do love each other!!

These two are definitely ready to get some candy. And boy
they. We have a huge bowl-ful to prove it!!!

Jacob finally made it outside to get his picture taken.
What a pair.

She is ready to go!!

Here is our sweet Pocahontas on Halloween!

Story Hour Halloween Party!!Add Image

Here is the whole story hour class dressed up!

Ryan is patiently waiting for his brother and his cousin
to be done so he can eat donuts with them!! And he sure did!

Buzz and Pocahontas!!!

Maddie and Aaron dress up for their story hour at
the Penfield Library. They are going to the story hour! They
do this every Monday together!!

Zoo Boo
Maddie is also watching the activity in the sea lion exhibit.

Here is Jacob watching the sea lions as "Mario"

We went to the Zoo to trick or treat this year. It was
a lot of fun.
First Days of School
Maddie's favorite thing in her new class is the sandbox!

Here Maddie is posing in the play house at school.

Here is Maddie exploring her new classroom at
Browncroft Discovery Preschool.

More pictures. She looks so sweet.

Maddie is ready for her first day of preschool.

Jacob finally gets on the bus. This year Miss Cindy is
taking him both to and from school.

Still waiting....

Jacob waits for the bus on his first day of 1st Grade.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Summer 2009

As you can see Papa was not happy about the Minnesota Favre
T-shirts being sold in a Green Bay Shopko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is some more slide fun. What a great vacation.

The kids seemed to love the slide the most. Here Aunt Beth
comes down with Maddie while Aunt Amy took a ride by herself.

Aaron,Maddie and Jacob are going for a helipcopter
ride. In case you couldn't tell Aaron was not to
happy to have to share the helicopter with his cousins.

Jacob is doing a great job as pilot!

Aaron,Maddie and Jacob are taking a ride in
the planes.

Jacob looks very serious about driving that
lady bug.

Fun at Bay Beach! Maddie picked a lady bug
that matched her shirt.

Amy and Jim play the famous Hotels game together.

Our cute cousin Ry-Ry in the lighthouse!

Here is the fish ready to go. They were so delicious.
By the way the fish boil was Mommy's idea and it
was great!

Great Grandma and Grandpa posing at the fish boil.

Nana and Papa had a great time too!

Here is a family picture at the fish boil. Mommy
doesn't like them but she is trying to get better.

Jacob chills out with Nana and Papa. It was
quite warm out that day.

Great Grandma and Grandpa waiting for the
fish boil.

Daddy and Maddie at the fish boil in Door
County. It was really cool.

Maddie did not venture to far into the water. She played
in the sand and chased the beach ball.

Our cousin Bryce takes his first dip in a lake. He
is so sweet.

Aaron is testing out the water. He wasn't to sure
about it.

Jacob loves the water. Those swimming lessons have
sure paid off.

Aunt Beth and our cousin Ryan test out the water
at a beach in Door County.

Here is the sunset from our first night. How beautiful!
Great Grandma and Grandpa hanging out at the cabin.

Jacob went on his first canoe ride with Aunt Karen
and Uncle Andrew. They had a race with Uncle
Scott and Aunt Amy.

Here is our cousin Bryce. What a cutie!

Jacob checks out the lake by our cabin in Door County. We
had a great time celebrating Great Grandma and Grandpa's
60th Wedding Anniversary.

Maddie and Kate are sunbathing after their swim!

We had a get together with all the Hortons. What
a great picnic. Here is Jacob and Maddie with their first
cousins Ethan and Kate, and their second cousin Baileigh.
Here is Maddie "singing" in the program!

Jacob and Maddie both spent a week with Nana
and Papa Ensign's for VBS. This is Jacob in the program.

Maddie and cousin Kate had a great time on
the Fourth. Don't they look sweet in their
matching outfits.