Sunday, April 25, 2010

Maddie's Birthday

Maddie blow out her candles. Four years old!

Four years old, where does the time go

Strawberry Shortcake Cafe. Maddie asked for
this for months. She was thrilled!!!

And it's a...............

This was the most anticipated gift.

We had several birthday celebrations with
all of our family for Maddie. This was our quiet
little party at home on her actual birthday.

Spa Playdate

Maddie and her friend Emily chill out while their
nails dry. It was a great playdate.

Maddie relaxes as she waits for her nails to dry.

Here are Maddie's beautiful nails!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Beautiful toes.

Maddie soaks her feet. Life is great for a four year old.

Maddie and her friend Emily had a playdate and
got a pedicure and manicure. Maddie thought is
was the best thing ever. She loved it.

Here is another attempt. They are sweet.

This was the first of several attempts to get a good
picture in front of the tree. We never did get a good
enough one for the Christmas card, but this is cute.

December 2009
Here, Daddy is helping Maddie put her First Christmas
ornament on the tree. How time flies!

Jacob really loved decorating our tree. He put
most of the decorations on himself.

This was an attempt to get all the Horton kids
together for a picture in front of the tree. They
all helped Nana and Papa H. decorate first.

One day when cousin Ryan was over, he decided
that a fun place to play was inside the toybox.

Here cousin Bryce is enjoying his birthday cake!

We had a triple birthday party for Madison, Uncle and Andrew
and cousin Bryce. It was a lot of fun. Here Maddie is enjoying the cake
made lovingly by Aunt Amy.
Here is Bryce semi-enjoying the festivities, he was a
little tired, but Jacob helped keep him happy.

Uncle Andrew loved his presents too.

Here Maddie opens one of her gifts. She had a
great time.

Maddie shows off her hat that Nana and Papa E.
gave her. She also loved the headband from
Mommy and Daddy.