Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Morning
Its a leapster explorer! Yea!!!!

Maddie opens up her big gift next..

Jacob got his DS! He was beyond excited.

Maddie looks on as Jacob opens his big present
from Mommy and Daddy.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas with the Hortons
Maddie loves her Baby Alive-all gone from
Nana and Papa Horton. She fed her all day long
on Christmas Eve.

Jacob shows off his graphic novel Bible
from Uncle Eric and Aunt Megan.

Maddie shows off her Barbie clothes from
Uncle Eric, Aunt Megan, Ethan, Kate and Ryan.
They are fabulous clothes.

Jacob opens a present from his Nana and Papa
Horton. We had a fabulous time together.

On Christmas Eve we celebrate Christmas with
the Horton side of the family. Here Maddie
and her cousin check out their stockings.

Christmas with the Ensigns
Maddie loves her sleeping bag from Nana and Papa!

Our cousin Aaron had a great time opening gifts too.

Jacob takes his turn opening a gift.

Maddie holds up her Dora doll. She got it from
Uncle Scott, Aunt Beth, Aaron and Ryan. She
loves it!

We celebrated Christmas with the Ensigns the
weekend before. Maddie, Jacob and there cousin
Aaron couldn't wait to get the party started!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Maddie's 5th Birthday

Maddie shows off her presents. She had wonderful time
celebrating her 5th birthday with her friends.
Here are Maddie's friends enjoying their juice boxes.

Here Maddie is hanging out with her girls Zoe and Emma.

Maddie led the train from the gym to the room to
have pizza, cake and presents.

Maddie got to sit on the air bouncer while they
inflated it. She thought this was great!

Maddie sits on the parachute. She was queen of the party.

We had a party for Maddie with all of her friends
at the Little Gym. It was great fun for all. Here
Maddie enjoys her purple ball.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sweet pose in front of the tree an Nana Ensign's house
Maddie and Jacob fake a pose of decorating the
tree since I didn't get an authentic shot.

The day after thanksgiving all the grandchildren
helped Nana and Papa decorate their tree.

The Thanksgiving table at Nana and Papa Ensign's
was full of everyone's beautiful crafts.
Halloween 2010

Princess Mulan and Batman are ready to trick or treat.
It rained the whole time but the kids stuck it out.

Maddie takes some time to hang out with the
polar bears.

We went trick or treating at the Zoo. The kids
had a wonderful time going to all the exhibits and
getting candy.

Greek Peak 2010

Jacob dives into the waves. He loves the water.

Maddie really loved the wave pool. She
spent a lot of time in there.

Daddy, Maddie, and Jacob relax in the waves.

Jacob and Maddie loved the wave pool and
so did Daddy. Here they pose for a photo op.

We spent a night at Greek Peak Water Park
in Courtland. It was a beautiful place and the
kids had a lot of fun.

First Day of School 2010

Maddie's favorite thing to do at preschool is play
in the sandbox.

Maddie just loves her classroom the toys
are so much fun and she loves her teachers.
Maddie is all ready for her first day of preschool.

Jacob waits for the bus on his first day
of 2nd grade.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Trip To Wisconsin 2010
Maddie beat her brother at mini golf
on this particular day. She was very

here was a cute little mini golf course. We
had a great time.

Maddie samples the smores. She really liked them.

Jacob toasts marshmallows at our campfire.

We had delicious smores that night!

Can anyone believe that Maddie is walking Max.

The first time we went for a walk in Green Bay,

she walked a block behind Max. What a shock!

Great Grandma relaxes in front of the campfire.

Maddie really loves Max now.

Maddie enjoys the back of the golf cart.

Maddie and Jacob's favorite part of the camper

experience was riding on the golf cart. We took

at least six rides around the campground.

After everyone quit discussing Maddie dislike for

Max, she decided she does like him after all and they really

bonded while we were in Door County.

Jacob and Maddie hang out with Max. Maddie

is not so sure of him yet, but is getting better.

We went to Door County to spend a day and night

at Aunt Karen and Uncle Ken's camper. Here Maddie

is lounging in the hammock. It was great fun and we can't wait to go

back next year.

Jacob is riding the cars at Wood Orchard. This is

his favorite part about stopping at Wood Orchard.

Maddie poses at Wood Orchard in the lighthouse.

We make this an annual stop on our trip up to Door

County. It is a great little shop.

Maddie and Aunt Karen are playing princesses.

Maddie loved having a buddy to play with.

Jacob and Great Grandpa are having a little wrestling match.

Boy, Grandpa can hold his own even is he is 85.

Maddie and Aunt Karen play with Maddie's Leap Frog

computer together.

Uncle Ken and Jacob are being silly as usual. It is

always so much fun to spend time with family in Green Bay!

Maddie and Papa pose for a sweet picture in their packer

gear. It was a really fun night.

While we were in Green Bay we went to a family

night at Lambeau Field. Maddie and Aunt Karen

had a great time together.

Maddie and Jacob ride the plane together. Jacob

doesn't mind this kiddie ride as much.

Here Maddie poses in her favorite purple race car.

Here are our annual bay beach photos.As you can see by Jacob's face he is getting too

big for the kiddie rides.

Jacob gets off the water slide. He went down this one
about 20 times.

In Eau Claire we stayed at a hotel with a waterpark

in it. Here Maddie poses at the bottom of the big waterslide.

This was the first time she went down the big slide.

We stopped at Great Uncle John and Aunt Renae's

on our trip to Wisconsin! Jacob and Uncle John played

a game of battleship together.